The Department of Music offers a variety of doctoral degrees. Degrees and concentrations are listed below.
The Doctor of Musical Arts degree is the highest practice-oriented degree in the field of music. It is intended to give persons of outstanding ability the opportunity to become creative contributors in both performance and scholarship. The Doctor of Philosophy in Music is awarded in recognition of distinguished scholarly achievement in the field of music. The acquisition of the degree testifies to the mastery of the general subject of music, to a concentration of knowledge or skill in some specialty within the field of music, and to the acquisition of research skills applicable to the activities of scholarship and teaching in music.
It is important for students to realize that work towards a doctoral degree is not merely a matter of accumulating course credits or of satisfying other requirements. The degree will be conferred only after the Advisory Committee and the Graduate Faculty are convinced that the student has developed independence of judgment and mature scholarship in the chosen field.
The following outlines list the courses and credits required for each doctoral program. A complete listing of individual courses and course descriptions is given in the Graduate Catalog. For other requirements, see Requirements & Standards for Graduate Study and Final Requirements as indicated.
Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)
For the Doctor of Musical Arts Plan of Study, please click here.
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Music Theory and History
For the Doctor of Philosophy Plan of Study, please click here.